Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Quote, Paraphrase, and citation #5

Quote - Seasonal shocker from John Carpenter

" In his latest film, Halloween, John Carpenter appears to have been afflicted with Psycho-it is. It's a horror film peppered with Hitchcockian shock cuts in which Jamie Lee Curtis (the daughter of psycho's Janet Leigh) is pursued by a mad killer who himself seems to be unkillable. While the Bernard Herrmann-like theme (composed by the director) cranks up the tension, Carpenter's camera prowls through the night, always hinting at somthing horrible about to burst in from the periphery of the panavision screen. Such plot as there is concerns an insane killer who first struct as a child on Halloween and threatens to do so again 15 years later. There are plenty of shocks along the way,k and film buffs will spot the sly in-jokes Carpenter has buried in the film."

Citation - Cinema Year by Year - By David Thomson

Paraphrase - This article mainly talks about John Carpenters latest horror movie Halloween. it discusses John carpenter and how he loved making a movie about a psycho, and it tells that Jamie Lee Curtis is in the film. I like how the article tells what Michael Myers (Halloween) is gooing to do, it sais "Such plot as there is concerns an insane killer who first struck as a child on Halloween and threatens to do so again 15 years later". I like that alot because some people might not know exacily what is happening in the movie so if they see this article they can understand alittle more.

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