Thursday, April 15, 2010

quote, paraphrase, and citation#1

Quote: "Horror specialist Wes Craven, director of The Last House on the Left and The Hills Have Eyes, has always been fascinated by dreams, and the subconscious plays a driving role in his latest picture, A Nightmare on Elm Street. Craven got the idea from a news item about Laotian refugees so afflicted with horrifying nightmares that they became terrified of falling asleep. He has transplanted the theam to the realm of "teen terror" and in the process created an outrageous new bogey man, the hamburger-faced, razor-taloned Freddy Kruger, a child murderer who was burned to death after escaping conviction and has now returned to his old stamping ground on Elm street to haunt the dreams of its teenage inhabitants. They share common nightmares as Freddy, played by Robert Englund, stalks them in their dreams, using his claws to carve his way into their homes and their minds. Like some ghastly combination of Peter Pan and the Pied Piper, Freddy makes sure they never grow up."

Paraphrase: this article is basicly stating Wes Craven's movie A nightmare on elm street which launched his big boom in the movie business. Also the article talks about how Wes got the idea of this movie, he has seen a newspaper article that facinated him. This article also gives a great summary of A nightmare on elm street.

Citation: Cinema Year by Year - By David Thomson

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